The Active Directory ACL Exporter completely automates the retrieval and export of all discretionary and system access control lists (i.e. DACLs and SACLs) of all Active Directory objects in a domain, container or organizational unit (OU), at the touch of a button.
It can instantly retrieve and export (dump) all Active Directory security permissions and audit specifications contained in the access control lists (ACLs) of all objects in an Active Directory domain, a specific organizational unit (OU), a container, or all Active Directory objects that meet certain specifiable LDAP search criteria.
It is licensed on a subscription model and affordably priced on a per-domain basis i.e. prices indicated are for use in a single specifiable Active Directory domain.
Short-term (monthly and quarterly) licenses are ideal for independent professionals and short-term projects. Long-term (annual) licenses are ideal for organizations.
To learn more, please click here. Please note that all sales are final and non-refundable.
To buy a license, select a License Term, then click the ADD TO CART or the BUY IT NOW button.